This? Is right up my spiritual alley, sir.
The healing ceremony would begin with those attending to be cleansed before beginning the real work. Asking permission, in gratitude, to enter & assist on an energetic level for the highest alignment of everyone & for all affected.
Next spiritually cleansing the entrance/s, entire space releasing the space of any negative energetic imprints (on any level) from humans or other beings, involved in hiding the museum/artifacts, that were left behind.
Restoring the original energy of each artifact as it was created in its purest form.
Forgiveness for those involved, offerings given in good faith, as a exchange of new Divine energy to replace the negative that was removed @ the beginning of the ceremony.
Those whom are/were spiritually attached always telepathically give necessary information along the way. Whatever they wish to share & enlighten us with further ways to heal what was done (10k plus years ago) if needed.
Each ceremony is different, but that is the basic protocol I’ve followed for over 35 years. I’ve been honored to assist all over the world with this kind of work & more.
Christine (Lightwork on Tik Tok)